Swiss Evening with Ignazio Cassis
Swiss Evening with Ignazio Cassis
17 August 2023, 17:30 to 21:30
On the occasion of the General Assembly of the Club and the 175th anniversary of the Federal Constitution, Swiss Evening with guest of honor Ignazio Cassis, Swiss Foreign Minister.
17:30 General Assembly
18:30 Cocktail and folklore entertainment
19:00 Welcome speeches by:
- Raymond Loretan, President, Diplomatic Club of Geneva
- Marc Pictet, President, Fondation pour Genève
- Sami Kanaan, Administrative Councillor, City of Geneva
- Tatiana Valovaya, Director-General, United Nations Office in Geneva
19:20 Speech by guest of honor, Ignazio Cassis, Swiss Foreign Minister, followed by an exchange with Raymond Loretan
19:40 Dinner with Swiss specialties and traditional music
Event organized with the support of the Swiss Confederation, the Republic and Canton of Geneva and the City of Geneva.